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Treasury Indexed Bonds

Treasury Indexed Bonds are medium to long-term securities for which the capital value of the security is adjusted for movements in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Interest is paid quarterly, at a fixed rate, on the adjusted capital value. At maturity, investors receive the adjusted capital value of the security – the value adjusted for movement in the CPI over the life of the bond.

Market makers

There is an active secondary market for Treasury Indexed Bonds. These institutions (listed alphabetically) have indicated that they make markets in Treasury Indexed Bonds. The level of activity can vary between institutions.

Sydney: +61 2 9903 6777
Abu Dhabi: +971 2 565 9322
Citi logo
Sydney: +61 2 8225 6450
London: +44 20 7986 9521
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Sydney: +61 2 9117 0020
Singapore: +65 6032 3809
London:+44 20 7329 6444 
Deutsche Bank logo
Deutsche Bank AG
Sydney: +61 2 8258 1444
London: +44 20 7547 1931
Tokyo: +81 3 5156 6195
JPM Logo
J.P. Morgan
Sydney: +61 2 9003 7933
London: +44 20 7134 0194
UBS logo
Sydney: +61 2 9324 2222
London: +44 20 7567 3645
Westpac logo
Westpac Banking Corporation
Sydney: +61 2 8204 2711
Singapore: +65 6309 3877
London: +44 20 7621 7620
NYC: +1 212 551 1806